National Curriculum –
Below you can find all of our curriculum documents.
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Reading & Phonics
As reading is a complex skill with many components, we have adopted a comprehensive and consistent approach to the teaching of these skills throughout the school. We believe that reading is a valuable and rewarding experience and that the importance of laying a firm foundation in this crucial area will allow children to access all areas of the curriculum successfully. We believe that success in reading opens doors to a world of knowledge.
In Key Stage 1 and 2 the children are exposed to a range of high quality texts and authors. A detailed reading spine ensures progression and coverage across the years. All Key Stage 2 children have a daily whole class reading lesson. From Year 2 upwards, English lessons are based around a high quality text. We also use Accelerated Reader and MyOn for home school reading. Reading for pleasure is strongly encouraged and all year groups share a dedicated daily reading session where a book is shared for the pleasure of reading.
We follow the Read Write Inc. phonics scheme in EYFS and KS1 and then continue to reinforce that learning through KS2 using the RWI spelling scheme.